Monday, August 9, 2021

Worried Grandma

We finally got the warp wound onto the warp beam. (No, we didn't. I'm waiting for DH to help me, because with two people, the warp tension will likely be more even. It has been a crazy week, and he has been gardening.) Here's one of our blueberry plants.

Here's our little vegetable plot.

I can start cutting the fabric for the weft. It's all washed and ready to go.

I've been busy, though. If you read last week's blog post, you know that I made a hooded sweatshirt to fit Pippa. I wanted to improve the design and see if there might be an easier way to do some of the construction, so I made another one in grey. On the suggestion of a friend, I made a pair of sweatpants to match.

The only change I made to the sweatshirt was to add 1/4" to the center front (body and pocket), to allow more room for sewing on the zipper.

The only way I can get the hood on is to take out Pippa's twin ponytails and let her hair go straight down her back. I could make the hood larger, but then Pippa would probably look like a mushroom. I doubt she will use the hood much, anyway.

For the sweat pants, I used my pajama pants pattern and shortened them by enough to add cuffs at the bottom. The completed pattern and tutorial for the hooded sweatshirt and pants may be found here. (Scroll all the way to the bottom for the cutting pattern for both the sweatshirt and the pants. I didn't make Pippa's shirt.)

The other (first) hoodie is on its way to Daphne, who tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday and has to stay home and away from everyone. She had a fever a week ago, but no other symptoms. She is missing dance camp this week because of quarantine, so she's bummed. I also made her doll a bathing suit and a sun hat.

Here's a look at the bathing suit. It's made from a little girl's sock and trimmed with fold-over elastic. Instructions for Little Kidz and Wellie Wisher size, and the larger Happy Kidz and 18" dolls are included and may be found here.

I ordered this swimsuit and shirt for Zachary's doll Billy a few days ago, and it arrived quickly. Zachary developed a sore throat over the weekend and is now a presumptive Covid-19 case. I had planned to send this to him anyway, because he already had to quarantine. (The set included goggles. They were in the description but not in the photo, which I took from the website, My Brittany's. This is not Zachary's doll.) As I write this, Zachary does not feel sick, other than the sore throat. We are praying he will remain relatively free of symptoms.

Here's what went into the mail today. At least the kids will be able to pretend to be at the pool or the beach. I filled the box with some other doll clothes that were made for the Fisher Price My Friend Dolls, but they should fit Daphne's Rebekah (Lotta Yoga). I don't think Zachary has a doll these clothes will fit, but he might. They play together with the doll things, so I think he will enjoy them.

As soon as the heat wave diminished, the smoke from nearby fires kept us indoors. We are so thankful for air conditioning this summer! On Saturday, though, we were able to start walking again. We all need the exercise, and Rocky can ride part of the way in his stroller.

Daphne is missing dance camp this week, but she has been working on her splits.

Several time zones away, the two other grandsons are enjoying a vacation in Hawaii.

The new book is getting the final proofreading. I will read it through one more time and send it off to the publisher when I get it back.

Where's my blog: If you have been following my blog and want to continue following, I recommend you go here and sign up to follow.

What's on my needles: I decided to make coasters for iced tea and other drinks with ice that make the glass sweat. I will use my favorite dishcloth pattern and just make them smaller. I really need something to work on to take with me when I go places, and the quilt is too big. However, I don't want to start something complicated just now, because I want to finish the quilt.

What's on my loom: Still the warp for the trailer rugs, ready to wind on to the warp beam.

What's on my sewing machine: More things for dolls.

What's in my hoop: Still the Whole Cloth Quilt. A lot more progress this week, though. It's slow, but I will get there.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: Back to School. Our grandson Zachary inspired this story by sending me the photo that was central to the story. The set arrangement was Zachary's, but he had his dad take the photo. I had to get him to answer some questions to put the story together. The Kidz did the rest. (This is his Billy.)

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Finished The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes by Leonard Goldberg on the Chirp app. Then I listened to Duke's Diamonds by Marion Chesney (also on Chirp) and then listened to J. K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which is a short work of "fairy tails" on Audible. Now listening to Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South on Audible. I've been getting as many of Marion Chesney's novellas on Chirp when they are available for under $5, because they are usually only around 5 hours each, and paying one credit on audible or buying for just under $10 works out to be more money per hour of listening enjoyment. Chirp has no membership fee. The disadvantage of Chirp is, if it isn't offered for very little, everything is expensive.

What's in my wine glass: Western Cape Vineyards' Cape White from South Africa.

What's my tip of the week: Stickers (as for prices and bar codes) and goo from them can be difficult to remove, but here are some tricks. If the item the sticker is on can handle some hot air, use your hair dryer set on high back and forth over the sticker. This should melt the glue sufficiently to be able to pull the sticker off gently. If the sticker is on something too delicate for this, go straight pulling it off. You can take one corner and gently pry it up, being careful not to let it rip any more than necessary. Sometimes goo is left behind. You can use the sticky side of the sticker to stick back on and pull away quickly, repeating over and over until the goo is removed. If you can't use the sticker because it's in pieces, get a piece of packing tape or even transparent tape and try the same thing. You can also try soaking it in hot, soapy water. As a last resort, you can use Goo Gone on it. (Check the website for a list of things you can use their product on.)

Where's my book: Mariah: Stories from the Doll's Storybook is available from booksellers worldwide. If you don't get free shipping from Amazon or B&N, buy from the BookBabyBookshop. Royalties go to support pediatric cancer research and treatment, and that's 50% of the price when you buy there. Other bookseller take a much bigger cut. The three stories in the book first appeared in the blog and they are reproduced with few changes. The stories (and links to them) are Being LittleBesties, and Distraction. Emil: Stories from the Doll's Storybook is almost ready to go to the publisher.

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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