Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Road Again

While getting ready for our long camping trip, I decided I didn't want to take my good scissors, so I went ahead and cut the steeks for my Oregon Autumn Cardigan. I'm hoping to get a lot of knitting done on the road.

I needed something mindless to work on during meetings and the Olympics, and who doesn't need more dishcloths? I had some Peaches & Creme cotton yarn left from the trailer rugs I wove for the old 5th wheel and then resized for the r·pod, so the color is perfect for the trailer. I picked the pattern because it's slightly different from Grandmother's Favorite Dishcloth, which I've used before, but still mindless.

We have a new addition to our collection of tiny poodles in our china cabinet. Do you recognize Rocky? A friend and very kind person created this replica for me. He arrived in the mail a few days ago.

She used a photo of Rocky in his later years as a model. He's perfect, even down to the haircut. (Usually poodle figurines have a show haircut, like they come that way.)

Now we keep the hair on the body and legs shorter, for ease of maintenance. Dusty and Sandy went to the groomer on Thursday. We wanted to get their haircuts shortly before leaving town, so they wouldn't need too much attention while we're traveling and would stay in good shape until we get back. They will need regular brushing, however. Gracie, the groomer, said that Sandy has grown up to be very easy to work with. (He has always been easy, but when he was a puppy, he was...a puppy.)

I'm still walking the dogs early in the morning and managed to get a 2-mile hike in every day this past week except for one day, when the AQI (air quality index) was in the unhealthful range. Sometimes it clears up if I wait a bit, and it still isn't too hot, but not always. I don't want them breathing the smoke, and it isn't good for me, either.

Sometimes we meet someone on the trail and have a chat, which is nice. The pups always attract attention.

We're leaving today and expect to get as far as...Winnemucca, Nevada! Remember Winnemucca? Our three weeks there with no vehicle during March 2023? Our Arizona vacation? We plan to stay at the same place: Silver State RV Park. They were so nice to us. It was a good place to be stuck if you have to be.

On Saturday, we hooked up the r·pod and moved her to the curb, so we could load her up. It will be interesting to see how the shelves work out.

We plan on meeting up with Alexa, Soren and Johan, in Utah. They set off a few days ahead of us for a family reunion and the some camping along the way to Utah. Here they were, in the car, ready to take off on the trip.

I don't know if Johan was asleep or if he was just saying, "Can we just get going?"

We'll be picking up Peter at the airport In Salt Lake City and doing some camping with them. We plan to see Alex, too, who lives in Utah, while we're in that area.


Peter works for Laika, the film studio in Beaverton that produced Coraline, Missing Link and several other stop-motion films. They are working currently on a film based on Wildwood, by Colin Maloy. They will use Coraline to introduce the film, as explained in this article. The film is due out next year.

I have a lot of difficulty responding to comments to my blog posts because of technical issues beyond my control (my lack of understanding of how things work). Message me on Facebook, Ravelry or Spoutible if you need information.

If you have a few minutes and are willing, please go to Amazon and B&N and search for "Our Favorite Verses: Poems from The Doll's Storybook by Peggy Stuart". Every click on the page for the book makes it more likely they will keep a good supply in their warehouse and stores. If you are outside the US, you may have a separate website for these retailers. If you have a copy of any of our books, including Emil, Mariah or Classic Tales Retold, please leave an honest review on the websites, especially if you bought from them.

Where's my blog: If you want to follow my blog, go here and sign up to follow.

What's on my needles: Still working on the Oregon Cardigan.

What's on my loom: Still in its corner under the windows.

What's on my sewing machine: Still its dust cover.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: In Hidden Talents, the dolls speculate about how Emil can see and hear what animals are saying.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Still listening to On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service by Anthony Fauci. Also still reading Elfen Königin by Holly Black, translated from English.Didn't get very far with the physical book. I'm taking it along, in case I have an opportunity to read.

What's in my wine glass: Delta Cabernet Franc from 2020. Not sure whether it's named after a body of water (in California?) or the airline, but it's nice.

What's my tip of the week: Have some leftover rice? As you may know, we lived in Indonesia for five years. One of our favorite Indonesian dishes is Nasi Goring. Here's my recipe.

Nasi Goreng à la Balikpapan
Servings: 4 servings
Categories: Indonesian, Main Dish

• 2 tbsp oil
• 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
• 1 tsp red chili flakes,
1-2 small red peppers, chopped
• 1 small onion , diced
• 3 cups cooked white rice , day old, cold
• 2 tbsp kecap manis (usually available in Asian food stores)
• 1 C frozen green peas
• 8 eggs, scrambled, cooked flat (as for an omelette) and cut into strips

• Garnishes / side servings (optional)
• 2 green onions, sliced
• Tomatos and cucumbers, cut into wedges/chunks
• Lime wedges

Heat oil in a large skillet or wok over high heat.
Add chili flakes, red pepper and garlic, stir for 10 seconds.
Add onion, cook for 1 minute.
Add rice, peas and kecap manis. Cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes until sauce reduces down and rice grains start to caramelize.
Top with egg strips
Serve with garnishes of choice (green onions, red chili).

(Shown here without the egg on top.)

Where are my books: The stories in each book first appeared in the blog and they are reproduced with a few changes. 
Our Favorite Verses: Poems from The Doll's Storybook is available from the BookBabyBookshop and other booksellers worldwide. Poems included are Valentine's DayKeeping PetsBack to School, Victor the VultureThe Week Before Christmas, Insomnia and Veronika's Vocabulary Verses.
The stories in Classic Tales Retold: Stories from The Doll's Storybook are Little Green GreatcoatThe Boy Doll Who Cried Wolf and Lost in the Woods.
Emil: Stories from The Doll's Storybook and Mariah: Stories from The Doll's Storybook are also still available from booksellers. The link for Book Baby is hereThe three stories in Emil are Best BudsGetting What You Want, and The Boys Cook Dinner.
The three stories in Mariah are Being LittleBesties, and Distraction.
If you don't get free shipping from Amazon or B&N, buy from the BookBabyBookshop, because 50% of the price goes to St. Jude. Other booksellers pay much less. 

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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