Monday, November 11, 2019

New Adventures

The Trickle Brick Socks are coming along.

I started these in November of 2015. Then they went into hibernation, coming out just recently when I started to feel embarrassed that I had started them and then went no further. I also wasn't sure if I would be able to wear my hand-knit socks anymore, due to my foot problem, but now I know I can, so I'm looking forward to wearing them.

In doll news, I was so happy with Emil's haircut, I decided to have another go at Billy's. I think this is his fourth haircut. I discovered that I could put a rubber band around the wet hair to hold the edges of hair close to the head, and when it was dry, I was happy with the result.

It's still a little ragged in places, so I will be tweaking it, but Billy will probably have this haircut for the rest of the stories.

On Friday, we drove up to Beaverton to visit the kids. We had a luncheon to attend today in Portland, so we thought it was a good time to visit.  I also wanted to visit the Nike employee store, because we get a 50% discount on anything in the store, and I wanted to get some water-resistant walking (running, although I don't run) shoes. We went Saturday morning, and I found these. They are Air Zoom Pegasus 36 with the Nike Run Utility Shield. Not entirely waterproof, but they should keep my feet dry until I go SCUBA diving.

The plan for the middle of the day was to go Saké tasting. We stopped for lunch at McMenamin's in Forest Grove.

Our next stop was at SakéOne. We had a sip of each of the different Sakés they had available.

We left with a couple of bottles of the ones we liked best.

Sunday we hoped into two cars and drove to Thousand Acres Dog Park in Troutdale. It was hard to find a place to park, because everyone had the same idea, but it's a big off-leash park, so it wasn't crowded on the trails, except we brought our own crowd.

It was a bit chilly, but the dogs played in the water anyway. Rocky was always the first one to the sticks we threw for the dogs. At 15, he can still swim and run. It's good to see him enjoying himself. Dusty and Louis are best buds. They ran and ran.

We walked a total of 3 1/2 miles. Everyone was tired when we got back to the parking lot.

We had packed a lunch. Fortunately, there was a picnic bench available.

We're going to the luncheon in Portland today, and then on the road home. Have a great Veterans' Day. Hug the veteran of your choice.

What's on my needles: The Trickle Brick Socks, first sock almost done.

What's on my sewing machine: Resting this week.

What's in my hoop: Still the Whole Cloth Quilt. Another week with no progress.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: Besties. Charlotte and Mariah wonder why other dolls don't get along.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Listing to The Tower by Gregg Hurwitz. We started it in the car.

What's in my wine glass: Laurel Ridge 2015 Oregon Pinot Noir.

What's my tip of the week: If you leave for a few days and don't want to have someone come in and water your plants, you can put each plant in a pan of water in a large plastic bag and tie up the end. Be sure to leave your plants in a place where they get enough light. The moisture evaporates and condenses, so the plant doesn't dry out.

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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