Monday, August 12, 2019


I haven't had much experience with crochet, but some of it was this week.

I have used this pattern and this one. They are pretty similar. the design is pretty simple, although knitting with strips of nylon net isn't very smooth. The result is a great dish washing device, though. I have paired these with knitted dish cloths in the past for Christmas gifts.

While I was delving into crochet, I decided to try to make a doll bikini.

For the top, I used this pattern (not available as a PDF, so you either have to read it off of the computer screen or copy and paste to something you can print). The pattern gives you a top with a skirt and wide shoulder straps. I just ended the pattern at the point where I had the completed band around the chest. Then I attached chain ties to the top of the triangles and tied them behind the neck.

The bottom was a greater challenge. I had to keep poor Veronika in the altogether, so I could match what I was doing to her body. I did a lot of ripping before I got it the right shape, which turned out to be something like the silhouette of a champagne glass. I may try to make another one of these.

The Coastal Skies Shawl finally got blocked. It has an 82" wingspan. My niece, who is a Seahawks fan, says these are Seahawks' colors. I hadn't though about that, but they are. At any rate, I've been wearing it, and it's warm and soft. The pattern is Knockout Round.

Our kimchi was going fast, so I made some more, this time with the seasoning a friend recommended. It's Mother In Law's Gochugaru Korean chili pepper flakes. I'm thinking it is a little less spicy.

I ended up with six cups of kimchi this time. (Each jar holds 1 1/2 C.) One of the things I like about kimchi is that you don't have to can it. It's still raw, but pickled.

This week's story is "Money in a Jar." Billy and Veronika discuss how to save money to buy what you want, and the difference between "want" and "need."

I got the idea from a recent article by Warren Buffett, which has a few other ideas besides what I used in the story.

We missed two days of walks this week. I waited until late afternoon, so DH could walk, too, and then it rained. Both days. The rain comes in the late afternoon and early evening.  It would be better for me to walk in the morning and then again in the afternoon, if the weather is OK. We had been waiting because it was pretty warm (a high of 92ºF) in the middle of the day. DH doesn't get up until 9:30 AM or so.

What's on my needles: Still the Trickle Brick Socks and another dish cloth.

What's on my sewing machine: Not much this week

What's in my hoop: Still the Whole Cloth Quilt.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: Money in a Jar.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Finished From This Moment by Elizabeth Camden. It was pretty good. Now listening to The Sleeping Beauty by Mercedes Lackey. This is one of a series "A Tale of the Five Hundred Kingdoms," but each novel is a stand alone, based on the same fantasy world, one in which "Tradition" tries to force likely candidates into the mold of well-known fairy tales, while the protagonists try to go their own way.

What's in my wine glass: Red Blend Portugal by Casa Santos Lima. Pretty nice!

What's my tip of the week: A rolled-up newspaper in your hand is a good way to get a dog to behave. You don't have to hit them with it (in fact, you shouldn't), but just holding it is like a kings scepter. They know you are boss. For serious misbehavior, hit it against your hand. It gets their attention.

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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