Monday, April 2, 2018

Have a Seat

We finally straightened up the living room enough to get a photo of our expensive chairs.

The designer, Alvar Aalto, is well known in Finland. The chairs the vintage of ours are very expensive when restored and reupholstered, costing about twice what we paid to have ours reupholstered. They are literally better than they were when we bought them. Needless to say, they are going with us when we move. A lot of our other furniture is going bye-bye.

Much of the week was spent going through stuff and packing. I packed a few more boxes and we had a large pile of useable cast-offs for Multiple Sclerosis to pick up on Saturday. I finally threw Sunny's medical papers into recycling. It made me sad to let go of it, but it has been almost two years, and her sweet face still shows up on my phone when I turn it on.

Speaking of dogs....

My sweet boys are happy to get into the backyard again. No more snow coming off the roof, and we can open the back door. We still have our glaciers, but they will be gone soon. With milder temperatures the boys are spending more time in both the front and the back

Holy week included some fun. The girls got to see how I boil the eggs for Easter. Vroni stood in my prep sink, on the rack, (everything got washed afterwards) and Lotte stood on one of our kitchen stools. They liked my shortcut for coloring the eggs. (Imagine the challenge of finding brown Easter eggs in the bushes int he backyard!)

They have been busy. I've been teaching Front how to quilt. She's the only doll who can quilt, because she's left-handed. The two middle fingers on their right hands are stuck together, but their left hands have four separate fingers, so Vroni, as the only lefty, is the only one who can wear a thimble on her dominant hand. Mandy has no trouble knitting, because she uses the Continental method, with the yarn tensioned in her left hand. 

Her problem is she would really like to stick her tongue out a bit when she's concentrating, but her lips are sealed...literally. Lotte (whose lips are not sealed) was reading to the crafters as they worked. It's a good thing Vroni and Mandy can communicate telepathically, or I wouldn't know what they say.

We had a nice service Easter morning. We had some "helpers" who come in for special holidays. The music was almost entirely selections from The Messiah. (I'm the one in yellow in the back.) I like to be in the back, because I can hear myself better. That way, I don't get dragged off by someone coming in at the wrong time. I wasn't the only one in the back, though. We had two complete rows of singers.

After church, the Götz girls went out to the back deck to get official Easter photos.

In spite of all the sorting and packing, I managed to get some work done on my Spring Flowers quilt. I hope to finish it before we move out.

I've also completed a few more rows on the Coastal Skies shawl. It's my take-along work for riding in the car or sitting and waiting for something when I'm out.

Common Threads meets at my house this week...unless we have a blizzard, currently not expected.

Whew! After such a busy week, I think I'll sit down.

What's on my needles: Still the Coastal Skies.

What's on my Featherweight: Lots of stuff I’m sorting through. LOL! Hope to be back to sewing soon.

What's in my hoop: Still the Spring Flowers quilt, but progress being made.

What's on my wheel: Stanzi is put away. 

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Finished listening to The Unfinished Clue by Georgette Heyer, one of my favorite authors. Now listening to The Whispering Room by Dean Koontz, another favorite.

What's in my wine glass: Fisheye Shiraz 2016, the big bottle.

What's my tip of the week: Papers are time-consuming to go through. Get rid of everything you can as it comes into the house: junk mail you aren't interested in, receipts for things you know you won't need to return or don't need to save for taxes or reimbursement, letters you've answered (except love letters, of course) all should go right into the trash as soon as you're done with them. Stacked on your desk or a counter, they can end up some day in a bag or box of things you have to go through. (Do as I say, not as I do!)

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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