Monday, August 13, 2018

The Door Closes Slowly

Vintage Stitchers had a party to say goodbye to me.

It was an exciting day, because my rear-view mirror fell off. That would have made it dangerous to drive, so I called my local Vintage Stitchers friends to see if one of them could pick me up. Julie was available, and it was nice to have a chat in the car on the way to Barbara's and back.

We started our meeting a little later than usual, so we could have lunch. Everyone brought quilting projects to work on. Barbara had some blocks I believe were part of a BOM from Kim McLean. Here's a sampling:

That one included some Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Then there was this one:

I think I've shown this one before. Then there was this one.

It's clever using a flower (chrysanthemum?) for the sun. Then there's the moon.

This was a crazy quilt block.

Barbara also used some of the flowers in her garden to make her own fabric design. She pounded the fabrics into the fabric. 

I believe it's this technique. Janet and Rebecca were working on projects from Sue Spargo's Fresh Cut Quilt. Everyone had a look at Rebecca's copy of the book.

Lunch was potluck. I was touched that my friends in Vintage Stitchers said that they would not be friends with all these others if it were not for me. I've been lucky to have such great friends. I hope they will come to visit me and go to the Sisters Quilt Show, perhaps next year. I'll miss Barbara's fantastic back yard.

That afternoon I took my car to the place that replaced our windshield. They stuck my rear-view mirror back on at no charge.

I had some business cards made up for the blog "The Doll's Storybook." I take a few with me when I go places. When I see someone with children or who might have children, I offer the card, so people can check out the blog if they like. I didn't put my name on them, because people can get that from the blog. Here's a photo that shows both sides.

The latest story is about the struggles of learning to be good at music and dance. 

I didn't get a chance to try out my attachments for the Eversewn Sparrow 15, but I'm still enjoying it. I keep learning new things with the machine. I made another peasant blouse for Vroni, and some leggings. I didn't have any purple thread, so I had to use white. I decided to use zigzag to make the casing for the elastic (shirring elastic, threaded through with a yarn needle) so it would look like a design feature. I covered the hem thread with a decorative design.

I think Vroni was appreciative.

The pups and I went to Run-A-Muk Dog Park a couple of times during the week. It had rained, so the stream had doggie Koolaid again. For some reason, the water that has some color to it tastes better than the Reverse Osmosis water I carry with me.

Our deadline for "due diligence" on the sale of our home has passed. They asked for another $10,000 to pay for improvements they would like to do. We stuck with paying for the radon abatement, as we had planned, and a couple of necessary plumbing fixes that showed up in the inspection. We had planned on doing some other things voluntarily, but we scrapped those items, because we're already way under market for the amenities we have. So our house is sold. We expect to be moving out toward the end of the month, as planned.

What's on my needles: Still the Kisu Cardigan for Jolena, and still att the BO for the neck. Also the Coastal Skies shawl for me, which I worked on a bit this week.

What's on my Sparrow 15: On to using the overcast foot.

What's in my hoop: Still the Spring Flowers quilt, a little more done during Vintage Stitchers.

What's on my wheel: Stanzi is still waiting patiently. I may have to pack her up before I get back to spinning.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: The Innkeeper of Ivy Hill by Julie Klassen. Just started to listen for a bit this week, as things have been busy.

What's in my wine glass: Bonair Late Harvest Riesling, 1999, found at the back of one of our Wine Cellars, but still good.

What's my tip of the week: Speed up defrosting a freezer by parking a fan in front of the open door. (You do have to turn the fan on, of course.)

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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