Monday, April 10, 2017

A New Day

I’m up to the sleeves on the Daphne Jr.’s birthday sweater. (I worked the neck ribbing after taking this photo.)

I didn’t get a lot of fiber stuff done this week because much of it was devoted to getting ready for The Messiah, which was last night. Maestro Jonathan Griffith from Carnegie Hall came to direct us again, but this year we had a little chamber orchestra. It was an amazing experience.

Early in the week, I sent off Master Zachary’s birthday box, which arrived in plenty of time for his birthday, which was on Saturday. I had added this sweater and hat, which I found big enough for Carter, and therefore big enough for Zachary Jr.

Daphne’s birthday is not until the middle of next month. I will sew another hat and some pretty clothes, too. Besides the Fair Isle sweater, I already have a nice stash of knitted things for her dolls. I had this one already finished before Christmas while Hannah was still here. 

This is the actual doll who will be wearing it. And now that Vroni has another warm sweater to wear, this one (along with the hat) can go into the birthday box.

Then there’s this tunic with the pockets.

I think these two will fit both of the dolls she has. Hannah is slim, like Vroni, and Daphne Jr. is mid-size, not as plump as an American Girl doll. I also have two pairs of pants from Silly Monkey, a bargain on sale because they were accidentally made too slim for American Girl dolls. All of my girls can fit into them (although Dolly has to lie down on the bed to get them on), so I know they will fit both of Daphne’s dolls.

When I bought the beach chairs, I also picked up this cute kitty, just the right size for the kids’ dolls and the spitting image of the family cat, Fluffy. Or maybe without the spitting.

How much to you want to bet that this kitty gets named Fluffy Jr.?

In other doll-related news, Vroni’s curls had wilted a bit, so I decided they needed a beauty treatment. I wet them with water, rolled them up on some small foam curlers and let them dry overnight.

And I decided I needed another doll to model clothes. This one touched my heart, because she looks like my niece, Amanda. She is on her way to me and should arrive today. It says “Katie” on her passport, but she’s getting a name change to…guess what? (I’ll call her Mandy, because all the other girls go by nicknames. You don’t hear me calling Dolly “Dorothy,” do you?) This is the best photo I’ve seen of this doll as she comes, but I hope to have her in some new clothes quickly.

She may go to Daphne next Christmas if I can bear to part with her and the price has gone up too much for be to buy her a new one.

Vroni says, “Happy Easter!” She also says not to put all your eggs in one basket. (She has other eggs in another basket.)

Speaking of Easter, it was Easter morning five years ago our Zachary was born. We had a really nice FaceTime visit with him on Saturday.

He loves his doll, and both of the kids love the beach chairs for their dolls. They used them to sit in while watching the movie for Family Movie Night.

What's on my needles: Daphne Jr.’s “Rosy Dawn” sweater.

What's on my Featherweight:
 Steeks for “Rosy Dawn”, still need to sew the binding for the Kaleidoscope quilt. Ready for some more doll clothes.

What's on my loom: Still waiting.

What's on my wheel: Stanzi also still waiting.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Still reading The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. I’ve been delayed with listening to my part in The Messiah choruses. On the Kindle app, I’m still reading Dying to Read, The Cate Kinkaid Files Book #1.

What's in my wine glass: Charles Shaw (“Two-buck Chuck”) Shiraz.

What's my tip of the week: Do you have medications that have expired? Don’t put them in the trash or flush them down the toilet. They will get into the water supply. Imagine the poor fishies who have to live with pollution and getting chased by larger fish. It’s hard enough to do get away when you aren’t full of tranquilizer, pain or blood-pressure medication.

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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