Monday, October 28, 2024

Moving on to the Future

The books arrived right on schedule on Monday. One of them didn't even make it into the house. The UPS driver already has the first four books. He was happy to take home the new More Classic Tales Retold for his kids.

I love having my books go to new homes, where they will hopefully teach kindness, appreciation for diversity and some science as well as entertain. When I get a chance, I will deliver one to each of the Little Libraries in my neighborhood, where they always disappear, never to return. I will also take one to the church library and another to the public library.

We watched the first two games of the World Series. One of the Dodgers was injured in the second game trying to steal second base. Apparently it wasn't too serious, because he will be playing in Game Three. My beloved Red Sox aren't in the Series this year, but Charlie is cheering for the Dodgers, having grown up in Southern California. We were talking during a commercial break, and I commented that I couldn't understand why some people think baseball is boring. "It's like a walk in the park," I said. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing, you walk along, admiring the flowers, when suddenly...." 

"You get mugged!" he said.

That explains baseball.

I got some knitting done while watching the games. The border pattern on the second sleeve is starting to take shape. 

I needed to bake some bread, along with another batch of granola.

We didn't get too much walking in due to rain and cold at the wrong times. On Sunday, though, the pups and I got in our usual two-mile amble up the trail in each direction. We stopped at the bench for a photo. Sandy was happy to pose, but Dusty just wanted to get down from the bench. He enjoyed the rest of the walk though.

Daphne and Zachary's other grandmother and one of her aunts came to visit. They got to watch Daphne play the flute in the band at her high school.

Here she is actually performing.

She and Zachary performed as dancers over the weekend in the Ballet La Crosse production of "Alice in Wonderland." Daphne was in the points corps and Zachary was a playing card.

Daphne also played Alice's reflection in another scene.

In yet another scene she was a horse' two legs

The Beaverton grandkids expect to be with us for Thanksgiving, so we have that to look forward to. In the meantime, I'm working as a volunteer to get out the vote. This will be a busy week.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back next Saturday night, and if you have a minute or two, please go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble online and search for More Classic Tales Retold: Stories from The Doll's Storybook by Peggy Stuart! They order based on searches. They don't have the image of the cover available yet, but it will look like this.

I have a lot of difficulty responding to comments to my blog posts because of technical issues beyond my control (my lack of understanding of how things work). Message me on Facebook, Ravelry or Spoutible if you need information.

If you have a few minutes and are willing, please go to Amazon and B&N and search for "Our Favorite Verses: Poems from The Doll's Storybook by Peggy Stuart". Every click on the page for the book makes it more likely they will keep a good supply in their warehouse and stores. If you are outside the US, you may have a separate website for these retailers. If you have a copy of any of our books, including Emil, Mariah or Classic Tales Retold, please leave an honest review on the websites, especially if you bought from them.

Where's my blog: If you want to follow my blog, go here and sign up to follow.

What's on my needles: Still working on the Oregon Cardigan.

What's on my loom: Still in its corner under the windows.

What's on my sewing machine: Still its dust cover.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: This week's story from #TheDollsStorybook is A Baseball Game with a Strange Ending. It's a coincidence that it coincides with the World Series. Did you know that some people don't like to be touched? 

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Started listening to Dean Koontz's new book, The Forest of Lost Souls. Also reading a physical book, In the Shelter of Each Other by Milree Latimer. Still not very far into either yet.

What's in my wine glass: Yellow tail Cabernet Merlot 2021. We've had it before. It's very nice.

What's my tip of the week: If you need oil and and honey in the same recipe, see if you can measure them in the same cup. Measure the oil in first, then add honey to the oil. Almost all the honey will come out without sticking.

Where are my books: The stories in each book first appeared in the blog and they are reproduced with a few changes. 

The stories in More Classic Tales Retold: Stories from The Doll's Storybook are Welcoming a StrangerThe RescueUnmaskedFuzzy Town––A Play and Sky Blue.

Our Favorite Verses: Poems from The Doll's Storybook. Poems included are Valentine's DayKeeping PetsBack to School, Victor the VultureThe Week Before Christmas, Insomnia and Veronika's Vocabulary Verses.

The stories in Classic Tales Retold: Stories from The Doll's Storybook are Little Green GreatcoatThe Boy Doll Who Cried Wolf and Lost in the Woods.

The stories in Emil: Stories from The Doll's Storybook are Best BudsGetting What You Want, and The Boys Cook Dinner.

The stories in Mariah are Being LittleBesties, and Distraction.

If you don't get free shipping from Amazon or B&N, buy from the BookBabyBookshop, because 50% of the price goes to St. Jude. Other booksellers pay much less, because the publisher gets a cut. 

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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