Well, we're still in town. The formerly ours 5th wheel still hasn't been picked up.
The part the buyer needed for his pickup truck has come in, but it still needs to be installed. He will try to get here this week to take our special 5th wheel hitch off to be installed in his truck, and then he will come get the trailer. We tried on Monday to get an appointment to pick up the new trailer on Tuesday, but they were unable to schedule it on such short notice. They need a fairly large block of time to go through and test everything and then show us how everything works. They were willing to do it this week, but we have doctor's appointments, dog grooming and Sandy's neutering planned, so we now have it scheduled for July 31st. For the first night we have a reservation for Armitage Park just outside Eugene with full hookups to check everything out. It's a Lane County Park and looks to be fairly rural. When I checked a couple of weeks ago, I thought they were booked through August, but we were able to get a pull-through site for July 31st. After that, we plan to go to Florence, where Charlie's brother, Jim, still has a large account balance at the place where we stayed before on the Siuslaw River, at the Port of Siuslaw Campground. It's very scenic and we can walk into old town and lots of restaurants.
Jim had paid in advance to stay there while he was looking for a place to buy in Florence, but then he found something right away. They give raincheck instead of refunds, so he offered it to us whenever we want it. We plan to stay there for the rest of the week. If there are any problems with the new trailer, we can stop in Eugene on the way back.
Monday we realized that Sandy had what appeared to be a rock or a small piece of wood stuck in some sap/pitch between the pads of his foot.
On the advice of the vet, we tried to remove it using olive oil to dissolve the pitch. It helped us see the rock better (it turned out to be a rock), but it was going to need clipping of the hair between the toes to get it out, so we made a trip to the vet. They were able to fit us in toward the end of the day. Charlie identified the tiny rock as a feldspar, probably plagioclase (because it wasn't basalt, and the feldspar that's common here is plagioclase). It's a little over 1/4" across in the longer dimension.
We had an appointment for this coming week for Sandy's canine influenza booster, which we had scheduled when we thought we would be gone this whole week, so we got that done while we were there. We also had the bloodwork done for Sandy's neutering, which is now scheduled for Wednesday. It could be a rather involved surgery, as he has undescended testicles. One may be more accessible than the other.
Wednesday we decided to drive to Suttle Lake, a few miles past Sisters, to hike the trail around the lake. Our back deck is being refinished, so the dogs can't go out to the backyard. My toe was a lot better, and the hike went well for the most part. Sandy had his first experience with off-leash hiking. He did very well, turning and checking on us every few minutes, which earned him a reward. Sandy and Dusty took turns being in the lead.
Both dogs got into the water, and when we threw a couple of sticks, they both really got into it. I think this looks like synchronized dog paddle. It's hard to see, but they each have a stick.
Sandy's favorite spot to hang out at home is on the floor of the dining room, in the corner next to where I sit when I use the computer. We had a square seat cushion that was delivered to us by mistake when IKEA brought my Billy Cabinets. IKEA told us to keep it, and they would send a new one to the people who ordered it. It has been under the bed in the guest room ever since, more than four years. I decided it would make a good dog bed, although we have a bigger one in the family room. I thought about making a cover, because I couldn't find a ready-made one the right size and shape, but then I found an Etsy shop,
KoveredUp. They make custom crate covers and dog bed covers, among other things. I got the instructions for how to measure the cushion and ordered one. It came on Thursday. Sandy likes it! I could have washed it, and I'm sure the folds would come out if I did that, but it's easy to take off, so I decided to wait until it gets dirty.
On Friday, we decided to walk to the dog park nearest to our home. It was hot, and there weren't a lot of other people and dogs there, but the pups had a good time with each other and those who were.
The back deck is coming along. We hired Josh, who has done several other jobs for us, to refinish it. He spent a couple of days doing repairs and did the sanding on Saturday. It should look good when it's finished.
I made some progress on Soren's quilt. The main body of it is almost done. I plan to put in a narrow inner border and then add an outer border.
I had a chance to work on the Kultainen käki sweater for a few rows. I like how the pattern is coming out. It's subtle, but it shows up.
Some political figures during the week suggested that slaves benefited from slavery. It caused me to go back and look through the book my ancestor kept of his family and holdings. I came across this page in the book, where he recorded the births of slave babies among the people he "owned."
If you look at the dates, you will see that Vilet gave birth to five children in a little more than five years. The entry at the bottom is a different woman, Mary, who gave birth once and died four days later. This started me thinking about another ancestor of mine who came from Senegal, most likely as a slave.
I have a lot of difficulty responding to comments to my blog posts because of technical issues beyond my control (my lack of understanding of how things work). Message me on Facebook, Ravelry or Spoutible if you need information.
If you have a few minutes and are willing, please go to Amazon and B&N and search for "Classic Tales Retold: Stories from The Doll's Storybook by Peggy Stuart" in Children's. Every click on the page for the book makes it more likely they will keep a good supply in their warehouse and stores. If you are outside the US, you may have a separate website for these retailers. If you have a copy of any of our books, including Emil and Mariah, please leave an honest review on the websites, especially if you bought from them.
Where's my blog: If you want to follow my blog, go here and sign up to follow.
What's on my loom: I didn't make much progress on the placemats.
What's on my sewing machine: Still quilt blocks.
What's in The Doll's Storybook: Outdoor Fun, another rerun. The four girls leave off watching a movie on the tablet and find some interesting things to do outside in the fresh air.
What's on my iPad/iPhone: Still listening to Die Unendliche Geschichte by Michael Ende. Just when you think the story is over, it continues on. Well-named, but it's fine that it goes on, because I'm enjoying it.
What's in my wine glass: 19 Crimes "Sauvignon Block" Sauvignon Blanc 2022 from South Eastern Australia.
What's my tip of the week: Some salad greens come in thin plastic boxes, and mushrooms often come in smaller plastic boxes. These boxes usually can be recycled, but they also are useful for organizing storage drawers and shelves. We plan to use some of them in the new trailer, which has some storage but no drawers.
Where are my books: The stories in each book first appeared in the blog and they are reproduced with a few changes.
If you don't get free shipping from Amazon or B&N, buy from the BookBabyBookshop, because 50% of the price goes to St. Jude. Other booksellers pay much less.
Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.
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