Monday, October 18, 2021

Fixing Mistakes

You may remember that I switched the yarn I was using for a recent project, not once, but twice. "Third time's the charm," as they say, and I'm happy with the new colorway. In fact, the basic knitting of the body is done.

I can't believe how many errors I've found in the written directions, and I'm fixing them, but I also had a mistake in the chart. I somehow didn't notice a square of four light stitches was missing. The square is here in the new version.

One of the nice things about steeks is, you don't have any ends to weave in when the yarn changes happen in a steek. This is the center front steek from the wrong side.

I trimmed off all the loose ends before sewing the steeks with the machine, so they wouldn't get caught in the stitching. I thought I would see how hard it was to machine-sew the steek before cutting, to see how hard it would be. It wasn't too difficult, but getting my work out from under the presser foot after the row of stitches was finished was difficult.

I decided to cut the sleeve steeks before sewing to make it easier.

I've picked up and knit the neck ribbing. Now I'm working on the button band. After that comes the buttonhole band and then on to the sleeves.

The roof is being replaced right now. The last replacement was just a layer of shingles over the old shingles (definitely a mistake). Supplies arrived on Thursday.

On Saturday, some men came and removed the most of the old shingles (both layers) and the tarpaper underneath. This photo shows the roof the way it is as of yesterday. Shingles gone (both layers), old tarpaper gone and new underlayment mostly down. You can see the heat tape has had to be picked up and put aside. It will be reinstalled over the new shingles.

Rocky had his grooming appointments on Thursday and Friday. It's working out better splitting it up between two sessions. I've been getting up early to take him out, because he wakes up early and wanders around, looking for the dog door, which we have closed at night. A few times he has gone out in the middle of the night and then couldn't find his way back because he couldn't see at all in the dark, so DH has been waking him up to go out on a leash late at night, and I've been getting up at 6:00 AM to find out if he's awake yet. We suspect he wakes up because he gets cold, so we have put a portable radiator in the living room near his bed. We're hoping this will work better for him...and us. He slept late for two nights, and then I had to get up at 6:00 AM anyway and get ready to go to church. I think it woke him up, either with the lights on or because I was walking around.

The new book is in production and should be in my hands before Halloween. We already have 12 copies preordered. (From me, directly. Booksellers won't have them for preorder for a while.) I'm hoping for more reviews on Amazon and other outlets. How many first books can boast of being rated five stars? Of course, that's because there have only been two reviews, and they both had nice things to say. Anyone who disliked the book or had criticisms must have been too kind-hearted to say anything negative.

I also spent some time this week working ahead in the stories. I'm up to November 19th. I just have to finish the writing and the photos, and it will be ready to schedule.

Where's my blog: If you want to follow my blog, go here and sign up to follow.

What's on my needles: Still the Taina shawlette and the Fair Isle sweater for Pippa.

What's on my loom: Still the trailer rugs. No progress this week.

What's on my sewing machine: Steeks!

What's in my hoop: No progress this week on the Whole Cloth Quilt.

What's in The Doll's Storybook: Taking Off. Jolena, Billy and Emil ride bicycles to the bend at the end of the landing strip at the little airport that brings small planes flying over our street. Something is about to happen, and they want to watch.

What's on my iPad/iPhone: Still listening to Wildwood by Colin Meloy on the Audible app. The writing is magnificent. Not G rated (violence).

What's in my wine glass: Can Tillo de Olleria Dry Red 2020. Excellent for a young wine.

What's my tip of the week: Planning for Trick or Treaters? Oregon Health Authority has a visual with suggestions for making it safer for everyone.

Where's my book: Mariah: Stories from the Doll's Storybook is available from booksellers worldwide. If you don't get free shipping from Amazon or B&N, buy from the BookBabyBookshop. Royalties go to support pediatric cancer research and treatment, and that's 50% of the price when you buy there. Other bookseller take a much bigger cut. The three stories in the book first appeared in the blog and they are reproduced with few changes. The stories (and links to them) are Being LittleBesties, and Distraction.

Available soon: Emil: Stories from The Doll's Storybook. Watch this space.

Note: This blog post was produced on the iPad and the MacBook, using the iPhone for some photos and some photo processing. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for, cleaned or broken. No animals or dolls were harmed during the production of this blog post.

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