Monday, May 16, 2011

High Fiber--Spring at Last!!!

The Crocuses (Croci?) are coming up!

That thing that looks like an iceberg floating on the street iceberg. Actually, it's snow DH threw into the street to melt.
"The Shawl" is done, blocked and photographed:

Two more pairs of fingerless mitts for Mitts of Steal are done:

The yarn for the red pair is Lang Thema superwash wool sport weight and the green is the Knit Picks Swish DK Peapod left over from Daphne's Peapod Cardi.

Vintage Stitchers met at Janets. What is Rebecca doing? Applique, of course!

Carol has cranked out another top from scraps. She says she's starting to run out of scraps, but I don't believe it!

Janet got back this quilt from Julie. It has Minky fabric on the back. Her college-age DD loves this stuff!

Here's what the front looks like:

She is also working on two identical applique projects for her two children.

Julie brought Barbara's wall hanging back, all quilted!

I finished the backing for my Floral Bouquet quilt, and Julie took it with her, along with Ellen's Pineapple quilt, which you have seen. There's no rush on my quilts, but you will see them here when they're done.

Saturday, DH, Lynda and I took the pups down to SLC to hike to the Living Room, a place with a view out over the city, with big, flat rocks that look like furniture to sit on. People often go there to watch the sunset and walk home in the twilight. It's a good place to go this time of year because the trail is dry, unlike our local ones, which often are still covered with snow. We kept the pups on leashes most of the time because some hikers had seen a rattlesnake.

Saturday was also a big day for our family. Remember a year ago?

This was what awaited at the end of my mad dash from Utah to Wisconsin. I was on my way to Vintage Stitchers when I got the call from DH that Daphne was on the way three weeks early. I left the next morning, Daphne was born right before I reached Evanston, WY, and I arrived at the hospital in La Crosse at 3:30 PM the next day.
Can you believe that this little bundle is now a year old? Her family had a party for her at the park. DD had made a cake using applesauce and apple juice concentrate for shortening and sugar and used whole wheat flour. The toddlers enjoyed it, and the adults liked it, too!

I wish we could have been there, but we will see them all in early July, when they will attend DS2 and DDIL2B's wedding. At least we got to Skype after the party!

On a sad note, my good friend Susan lost her stepson to brain cancer this week. It wasn't unexpected, but it is never an easy thing to lose a child, even an adult one. I'm dedicating this blog to Eddie. May we meet someday!

What's on my needles: More Mitts of Steal and swatching for BIL's cardi.
What's on my wheel: The Olive Green Corriedale.
What's in my hoop: The languishing hand-pieced quilt.
What's on my iPad: Now listening to D.E.Stevenson's Charlotte Fairlie from Audible.
What's my app of the week: Skype. Again? Very useful in birthday get-together with Miss Daphne.
What's in my wine glass: Charles Shaw Shiraz.

Note: This blog post was produced partly on the iPad. My MacBook was used for the rest, but no Windows were opened, waited for or cleaned.

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