Wednesday, March 16, 2011

High Fiber--Elevating Fiber to a Higher Purpose

The snow is melting, as you can see by the lower level of the pups' snow pile:

We will get more snow before spring...and after it as well. Soon there will be days when I can take my spinning wheel out to the deck to work in the sun.

In knitting news, I finished these for Mitts of Steal.

These are in progress:

As promised, here's progress on my shawl:

This one uses the some of the yarn I spun during the Ravelympics last winter.

Vintage Stitchers met this week. Here's a sample:

Janet started this at the "Daisy Chain" class we had last month. It looks very different from my two '30s versions using the same pattern!

My "Floral Bouquet" from the same book is coming along:

Sarak arrived at her destination and is now at the Florida Keys, hopefully having a good time.

I updated the IOS on my iPad, and it upset my Photogene app, so this will be a shorter blog on terms of photos. My app of the week is "Earthquake Lite." Following the earthquakes in Japan and the resulting tsunamis has been interesting, although sad. The devastation has been mind-boggling. That story continues.

My reading hasn't changed since last week, although I'm further along in both books. I'm saving my spinning for an upcoming trip.

Happy fiber fun, everyone!

Note: This blog post was produced entirely on the iPad. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for or cleaned.

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