I made good progress on the Dogwood Blossoms sweater, about 1" of the pattern. I put it on two circs, so you can see the pattern better. It's great entertainment, making the miles whiz by! The two markers in the middle mark the front steek.
I didn't take the diaper bag with me, but it will be quick to finish. I'm on the I-Cord handles. You'll notice I'm making the handles using only the interchangeable needle tips, in this case my Zephyrs from Knit Picks. I use the working end of the tip to knit with, knitting off of the end that connects to the cable. It works better with no cable for this job. No need to slide the sts down a long cable.
The pattern is the Montana Eco Tote from Tahki Stacy Charles. The yarn is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes bulky in Porcini and Navy. The fabric is for the lining. I'll be putting in interfacing, to keep the bag fairly stiff. This is the same felted bag I made for Daphne two years ago. She shares it with her little brother now.
I also have started an appliqué project. It's a dragon block for a quilt for the recipient of the felted diaper bag above. It should keep me busy after I finish the diaper bag.
My light table is a piece of heavy frosted plexiglass on top of a former bathroom cabinet we had replaced. DH removed the top and put in a shelf a few inches below to hold two fluorescent under-counter lights. Works great! My cutting mat goes on top of it, so it doubles as a cutting table for quilting.
For you Daphne fans, you now get double the pleasure! Here is Daphne with little Zachary. She was trying to show him how to lie on the floor and how to roll over.
What's on my needles: Lots and lots! The Dogwood Blossoms cardigan, my Fiji socks and the diaper bag, not to mention various UFOs.
What's on my iPad: Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama, the audiobook read by the author, borrowed from the library. It's a very interesting and entertaining book.
What's my app of the week: Photogene, which is a simple app for processing photos. With the visits the past few weeks, I've done a lot of photo processing!
What's in my wine glass: Crane Lake Malbec 2010, one of our favorites.
Note: This blog post was produced entirely on the MacBook. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for or cleaned.