Another busy week! The mittens are done:

I adapted the pattern Mitones Iveños from Andean Folk Knits by Marcia Lewandowski. I changed the tip by using the round-toe decreases, because the thumb ended up in an awkward place. I dont know if I misread the pattern, but the thumbs stuck out at the sides instead of being on the side of the palm. The matched decreases caused the mitten to twist when worn. Rather than frog the mitten back to the top of The cuff and reknitting with the thumb placed further over, I just took out the top inch or so and did six evenly spaced dec's on each rnd until I had six sts left. Then I ran the yarn through the sts and fastened it off. This made the pattern rotate to a slightly different position, but the mittens are comfortable to wear.
I blocked them using the leg part of my large sock blockers.

The yarn was Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Worsted in Coal, Cloud, Cranberry and Semolina. It was nice to work with. I used the two-circular-needle method.
Friday evening we took the annual long drive to Pleasant Grove for the NOC Assistants reunion. This group is made up of the volunteers who worked for the German National Olympic Committee during the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. Here are the members of the group who attended this year:

During the Olympics, we worked in the Olympic Village, running errands for and driving the Committee Members. Those of us who had spouses brought them to the party. The party was fun.
The "Prayer Cardigan" for my DBIL is almost done. I've sewn up the sides, underarms and pockets, and am ready to start on the front bands. I'll be able to give it to him for Christmas.

If you missed the story behind this project, the sweater was started by my DSIL, who passed away a year ago in October. Before she died, she asked me to finish it for her. She had the back done and the ribbing of both fronts started. In the project bag was some of the bottle green yarn, but not enough to finish it. She thought she had more yarn somewhere. When DBIL couldn't find the yarn, I started looking for a substitute to use for the sleeves, thinking it would look OK if the sleeves were a different color. I found some black Aran yarn and ordered enough to make the sleeves. Then DBIL found the rest of the yarn when he was going through things. The pattern is in "Galway Heather Family Cardigans" by Lyric (Pattern Services) Ltd. and the yarn was purchased on the island of Inish Mor, Ireland. I had made the same sweater several years before for myself. It's the blue cardigan in my photos here:
Daphne's book was shipped by Apple a couple of days ago, so it should reach Temple, TX, in plenty of time for Christmas. She is going there with her parents to visit the other grandparents. We will have to Skype. The book was fun to make. I put it together using my MacBook in the Projects function in iPhoto, then sent it to Apple over the Internet to be printed. Here's a photo of the intended recipient. My, she's growing up!

She's looking forward to the arrival of her new baby brother in April.
Plans for this week: housecleaning and cooking for the holidays. If there's time, I'll put the binding on the Daisy
Chain quilt.
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What's on my needles: Finishing the button and buttonhole bands on the Prayer Cardi.
What's on my iPad: Mostly Christmas music.
What's my app of the week: The Walmart, Target and Amazon apps, for Christmas shopping.
What's in my wine glass: Jacob's Creek Merlot 2010.
Note: This blog post was produced entirely on the iPad. No other computer was used in any stage of composition or posting, and no Windows were opened, waited for or cleaned.