I guess Rocky isn't going to be using his wading pool anymore for a while! The resorts are doing a happy dance, though!
DS1 and his DW arrived in Salt Lake City last week for a visit with her son in Idaho. On the way back, we had a nice, but short, visit. She brought some of her quilting fabrics to try to match with fabrics from the quilt shops in Idaho and SLC. Here's what she has now. (Original fabrics were chosen by family members for quilts they wanted.)
Speaking of quilting, my friend Ellen completed her Lone Star quilt for her grandson. He has named it "Ninja Star."
I helped pick the fabrics for this quilt. Ellen doesn't live here full-time, and she doesn't haul her quilting fabrics back and forth, so this quilt has taken a couple of years to make. I have no such excuse! I plan to get back on the Wedding Ring quilt as soon as I get my spinning done for Daphne's new and larger Baby Surprise Jacket. Here's the lucky recipient:
She is now five months old, as of October 14th. Time flies!
Lynda and I visited the quilt show last week. It's a unique display of 33 handcrafted quilts by Isreali artists on display at Temple Har Shalom in Park City. The quilts were previously displayed at the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies in Israel. If you are going to be in the area, the exhibit is open to the public, and hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
We had permission to take photos, and these were my favorites:
On Friday, I put in an order at CT. More about what I will be doing with the fabrics will come a little later.
In knitting news, I have been making progress with the Winter Colors Cardi. I worked on it yesterday throughout the performance of La Boheme at the Capitol Theater in SLC, which was outstanding, BTW. Laquita Mitchell was the best Mimi I have ever seen! (It always amazes me that Mimi can find the breath to sing so beautifully while dying of consumption!) Gerard Powers played Rodolfo, and he was wonderful, too. It was so nice to have a project in my hands that just goes around and around, continuous st st! Now I'm about ready to start the sleeves.
In spinning news, I now have two bobbins done for the Baby Surprise Jacket for Daphne, mentioned earlier.
The fiber is KP's Superwash merino and nylon, which I dyed with Koolaid and food coloring. I ordered a fourth bobbin for my WooLee Winder, and it has come, so when I fill the third bobbin, I can ply to the fourth. I still have another sleeve of the fiber I can dye, if needed.
The past couple of days I have been enjoying Netflix on my iPad. Not all movies are available for streaming, but many are, and I have discovered BBC productions I haven't seen for a long time, and some not at all! It comes in handy when DH is watching something on TV that I'm not interested in! I finished reading The Knitter's Book of Wool, so back to The Intentional Spinner, so I can return it to my friend.
Well, the snowplow just went by, and my neighbor is using the snowblower on his long, steep driveway. I guess winter is here! More time for knitting, spinning and quilting!